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Embracing fire amidst the cold

Updated: May 26, 2022

By: Kristine Balanay & Buency Malig

Through the midst of the pandemic, everyone lost their flame in striving for their goals. But it also brings a silver lining in embracing a new path that pandemic will not be a hindrance.

In taking the first step to move forward for the opportunities despite the rough road ahead.

Meet Sgt. Jan Gerrick Lopez, a 27-year-old Philippine Air Force Reservist. He is a person who strives to have a purpose in life, which led him in taking his degree in Secondary Education, majoring in Mathematics, at Far Eastern University.

Hence, Sir Lopez is still looking forward to exploring the ventures of his life.

”Noong high school ako noong fourth year uso pa yung CAT (Citizenship advancement Training), so mula doon nagkaroon ng interest to join the military. (When I was in highschool there was still CAT, since then, I started to take an interest in joining the military),” he shared.

Despite taking an interest to become a military officer, there were hindrances he encountered as if fate was against his will, but his passion for serving remained firm.

“However, noong high school medyo payat ako noon and my parents would not allow me to join military so naisip ko noon if it’s other ways to give service to the country and ngayon nag teacher nalang ako eh ganun din naman siya we give service to others,” he said.

(English translation: However, I was really thin when I was in highschool that's why my parents would not allow me to join the military, so I thought of other ways to give service to the country that's why I became a teacher.)

But the pandemic slowly dims his light and his fuel to continue.

The disruption of his everyday routine led Sgt. Lopez to suffer from anxiety and mental instability. The feeling of disconnection, of constantly thinking about how he could put food on their table if the jobs were put to a halt.

When the school year started, it became a distraction for him. He was one of the teachers that were asked to stay and be a guiding light to his students.

Sharing this kind of story, he then mentioned that to all people who are also suffering from mental instability to find their purpose and look for hobbies that will keep them entertained and away from those hideous voices inside our head because we all have demons within us, we just have to find ways to conquer it.

As for him, being a reservist became his torch in his pitch dark world, by going back to his old passion. It brought back the color in his world and as though reuniting with his first love, the burning passion that made him strive for the better.

He has brought to life the quote that says, “Just because your life changes does not mean that your deepest passion has to.”


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