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Five tips to get your crush notice you

Updated: May 25, 2022

Photo Courtesy: Seventeen

Is being a quirky and cute girl not an effective way to reach your crush’s heart? Seeing the love of your life not interested in you with too many girls around him will surely make your blood boil.

Don’t lose hope! Here are some tips to make your crush be extra aware of your existence.

1. Have a great and untrustable friend

A friend who can’t keep their mouths shut is a good thing—especially if you are afraid to confess your feelings to your crush; they are the ones who will expose your hidden love at the worst times. Expect that they will randomly make a scene and tell your crush that you like them.

Having a great friend means having a backup friend planning to push you near your crush. Then when you bump into each other—just in the movies—you could have that slow-mo moment with them while looking into each other’s eyes.

2. Ask him to be your partner

School projects are the best way to be with him. You can try to ask your crush to be your partner or groupmate. But to maintain your dalagang pilipina image, you should plan it ahead of time.

If your teacher will be counting the seating arrangement for the groupings, place yourself into the same number of seats that your crush will be joining. In that way, you can try to impress them while having a sweet time together.

3. Gamer goals

Boys usually like to play games with their friends. This is your chance to get to know them more through voice chat. Still, make sure not to forget to enhance your gaming skills and reach his level.

It could be a big problem if he does not have the patience to carry you in the game. Because if you suck at playing his favorite online games, he will probably be irritated and never invite you again.

4. Embarrassing but remarkable moment

Attempting to fall down in front of your crush, you must have something in your hand—it could be a bag of chips. Avoid holding liquids and drinks because you might ruin their outfit. After falling down, you will instantly get their attention, and their eyes will be caught up with the thing in your hand.

It is totally okay if days will just pass, and it seems like nothing happened. But, every time he passes by the area where you fell or when he sees a bag of chips—similar to what you were holding, there is a possibility that he will remember you—just in an embarrassing picture.

5. Memes are the new key

They say, “Funny is the new sexy”. Who isn’t attracted to someone who can make us happy? Although fewer physical interactions during the pandemic will be a challenge for you to make a move, that is why internet memes will be the bridge for you to make your crush laugh.

Sending memes via message on Tiktok or Facebook is a good start. If you feel more confident, you can boldly tag or mention them on the post or make the memes yourself.

At the end of the day, these are just some ways for you to be noticed by someone you like; this may work for others but may not for you.

Who knows, there might be someone who’s trying to get your attention, but you’re too busy trying out what’s written on this article to the wrong person.

Always remember, just be yourself, and people will effortlessly notice you even by the little things you do.


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