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LIGHTLESS WINDOW: Embracing the Colorful Society

Updated: May 26, 2022

Being a part of the LGBTQ+ community is tough, as we all know. Discrimination, judgments, and unequal opportunity are the issues that our brothers and sisters face.

They become vulnerable to hate, assault, crime, and, in the worst-case scenario, suicide as members of this community.

The LGBTQ+ in School

According to an 18-year-old gay student featured in the 2017 research "Just Let Us Be," members of this community are frequently subjected to bullying, discrimination, and a lack of awareness about LGBT concerns, and as a result, these violations have the potential to affect students in the long run.

Authorities and school administrators in the Philippines have recently recognized that bullying of LGBTQ+ youth is a serious problem and have established strategies to address it.

However, I believe that these strategies are still insufficient to prevent the children from losing interest in studying, skipping classes, or even dropping out due to the threat they receive because of their sexual orientation.

Schools and universities should take the lead in being as inclusive as possible of the community. It should be a place where people can talk openly about their sexuality rather than a place where people are afraid to come out.

That’s why I admire Adamson University for taking that step toward inclusion and acceptance by allowing homosexual students to participate in an organization called "G-Queens," which allows them to showcase their talents without having to hide their true colors.

A significant milestone, for a Catholic and well-known university, such as Adamson.

The LGBTQ+ in the Society

Despite technological advancements and how far our society has progressed, it is still baffling that many people still regard homosexuality as sinful and an illness.

I don't see why people are still opposed to homosexuality.

Is it because it's out of the ordinary? Homosexuality, in fact, has been around for ages.

Is it because the Bible says so? But, it also tells you to love and treat your neighbors as you would like to be loved and treated.

Many people, I believe, lack empathy and comprehension when it comes to this subject.

Because if you would empathize with a homosexual, you will never think of disliking them. You would appreciate, instead, how homosexuals bring joy and color to everything they do and to people around them.

If the society will be more inclusive and understanding, there will be no homosexual students dropping out of school due to bullying and discrimination, and homosexuals will no longer be frightened to embrace their sexuality and come out of their closets.

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