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Soldiers of Truth: How to Combat False Information?

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Wars do not only exist in real life; there also are battles beyond the physical realm that we must face in the cyberworld.

As people who travel across the internet, it is our duty to help combat the dissemination of inaccurate and deceptive information.

But how can we tell if the information is incorrect? Here are a few things we can do to prevent the spread of false information.

1. Continue reading past the headline.

Headlines are clickbait; don’t let it fool you. Although the title tells the gist of what the story is about, you might miss an important detail skipping through it.

Encountering a headline creates a pre-judgment of the story; thus, reading the entire article is a must to avoid interpreting false ideas by ignoring the whole content.

2. Know the author and publisher

Gossips spread faster than we think. Do not believe in mere hearsays right away, especially from anyone with a questionable background.

Make sure to check the author’s credentials first if they are credible enough to become a source of information. However, always remember that a known publisher does not always guarantee the accuracy of the information.

3. See if it's being covered by other news outlets.

As the saying goes, “the more, the merrier”. Keep in mind that news-worthy pieces get covered by several news outlets.

Journalists fact-check information before releasing it to the public. Make sure to look if the story is being covered by most mainstream media because that could ensure its accuracy.

4. Examine the date and time of publication.

Past articles are sometimes altered to capture internet users' attention. Not only does it cause an unnecessary ruckus, but it can also steal the spotlight of more relevant and important news.

Additionally, knowing the publishing date and time of an article may help to identify whether it’s edited or not.

5. Check the sources.

Knowing the source is one factor in trusting the reliability of the story. Would you believe a random stranger when he claims that he is Superman without evidence?

Therefore, we must verify sources cited in a published article to check if the information has a basis and has been fact-checked before relaying to the public.

The proliferation of fake news is, without a doubt, a major issue that we are currently confronted with. But, just because it is massive, doesn't mean it can't be stopped.

Anyone can fight even without guns and canyons. Sometimes, a critical mindset is all it takes to win this battle against fake news.

May this serve as a reminder to always be cautious of everything you see on the internet. Always be mindful of what you share, and be an ally of nothing but accurate and reliable information.


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