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Adamsonians to return face-to-face classes

Updated: May 25, 2022

Photo Courtesy: Adamson University Facebook Page

The Adamson University (AdU) began to conduct limited face-to-face classes in selected college laboratory courses for the school year 2021-2022 on March 16.

Malacañang announced that Manila and 38 other regions will be under the Alert level 1, allowing the full capacity of indoor and outdoor activities— hence, the resumption of limited face-to-face classes.

In an advisory, AdU mentioned support and preparations are underway in order to ensure the safety of the Adamsonians return.

“Preparations such as retrofitting of facilities, compliance with health and safety protocols, consultation with stakeholders, and coordination with the local government unit are currently underway,” AdU said in a released statement.

Mark Joshua Arceo, a fourth-year student of Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering, shared that face-to-face classes are much better than online classes because they get to experience their experiments firsthand.

Arceo also mentioned that years of online classes and the COVID-19 pandemic caused him anxiety.

"This pandemic has caused me to seek shelter within myself. As a result, I had a difficult time socializing with others, not because I am afraid to communicate with other people, but because I have grown comfortable in my own state.”

He also shared how he managed his day to be productive amidst the pandemic.

“Most of the time, I am alone in my room, which has allowed me to learn more about myself. In short, it's safe to say that after three years of isolation, I became a more self-sufficient and independent person, which I believe will be very beneficial in the long run,"

Meanwhile, Juanise Ignacio, a second-year Bachelor of Science in Civil engineering student, shared that instead of getting anxious on her first day, she was ecstatic that she could finally meet all her college friends.

“It is a big adjustment for me since I live in Cavite so I need to wake up early to prepare myself. But all of that struggle paid off after I saw my friends, classmates, and professor,” she added.

She also shared her first-day experiment experience.

“While experimenting I didn’t feel any pressure, I only felt the excitement and enjoyed the entire hour,” Ignacio stated.

Although Face-to-face classes are much of a hassle, both of them agreed that they would embrace the difficulty of this learning modality rather than being stuck in their room.


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