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AdU first-time voters question Comelec

Jaerial supporting his candidate

Photo courtesy: Zairylle Ann Bendaña

First-time voters from Adamson University (AdU) shared their newfound experience and opinions regarding the problems of the 2022 elections last May 9.

Around 7 am, many precincts encountered broken vote counting machines (VCMs), which made people wait for hours to vote and wait for the Comelec to respond.

As many people were looking forward to this election, students from AdU were disappointed, especially when problems occurred one after another.

Jaerial Vincent Lim, a first- time voter from Cavite, mentioned that he was

looking forward to a clean and fair vote.

“Honestly speaking, I am not satisfied with the outcome. As a person whose future is at stake, people should know better who to vote for but then, they choose someone who is far from being qualified,” he said.

Moreover, he was thankful that the VCM was working in his assigned precinct after two hours of waiting in line.

“I did not experience difficulties neither did my relatives,” he said

Ma. Victoria Anne Rance, first-time voter from Manila, had tons of questions to Comelec about the issue of their absence of response.

"Why are there so many vote-buying videos, photos, trolls, and anomalies on the internet, but they don't respond? Also, persons who had problems voting due to defective voting machines,” she asked.

The Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting (PPCRV) has an ongoing manual counting for the presidential and vice presidential votes, along with the partial and unofficial result from the Comelec transparency server.


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