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AUSG launches vaxx drive with PRC and AdU Health Services

Updated: May 26, 2022

Photo courtesy: AUSG’s Facebook Page

The Adamson University Student Government (AUSG) launched a vaccination campaign drive entitled "Vaccinated na si Klasmeyt" in collaboration with the Philippine Red Cross (PRC) and the AdU Center for Health Services at the Adamson University School Ground on March 11.

The vaccination program has brought the total count of newly-vaccinated individuals to 110.

The project intended to promote a safe resumption of face-to-face classes within the Adamson Community against COVID-19.

According to Jimmaira Almohasim, the Students' Rights and Welfare Committee chairwoman, this campaign took months of preparation before it was made possible.

"The primary issue we encountered was planning the event online, which required numerous adjustments," she said.

The vaccination drive was held from 8 a.m to 4 p.m, where they followed safety protocols such as physical distancing and wearing face masks upon entrance to the campus premises.

To ensure everyone's safety, the vaccination campaign was open within and outside the Adamson Community.

With that, many people have expressed gratitude for this initiative, including CREACOMMS President Nitz Tan, who got her booster shot.

"AUSG did a really great job for holding a vaccination drive that's open for everyone," she said.

In a statement from Almohasim, this event was made feasible with the help and partnership of The Philippine Red Cross, AdU Center of Health Services, volunteers, and her Committees, who gave their utmost support and effort throughout the activity.

"In compliance with the Commission on Higher Education, this is a big step towards 'Ligtas na Balik-eskwela'," she said.

AUSG officers with Philippine Red Cross at the AdU School Ground

Photo Courtesy: AUSG’s Facebook Page


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