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SILAU holds outreach event amid the pandemic

Updated: May 25, 2022

Children receiving food given by SILAU beside San Vicente de Paul Parish last March 10.

Photo Courtesy: Annica Danielle Santos

The Silip at Lente AdU (SILAU) conducted an outreach program with the theme “Vitamin C-Lau: Conscious Caring through Charity” to generate funds for communities afflicted by the current economic and pandemic challenges through the Saint Vincent de Paul Parish #ProgramCOVID beneficiaries on March 10.

Event heads Elaiza Tumale and Annica Santos managed the event successfully with the help of SILAU’s President, Teodoro Dangarag.

Santos also shared their overall experience in handling their successful event.

“Yes! For a first timer, masasabi naman namin na not bad yung naging outcome niya. Kahit gaano naging ka stressful yung event, nawala lahat yun nung nakita namin sa mga mukha ng mga bata na na-enjoy nila yung food na nabigay namin sa kanila,” Annica said.

(English translation: Yes! For a first timer, we can tell that the outcome was not bad. Even though the event was stressful, it all disappeared when we looked at the faces of the children who were enjoying the food that we gave them)

SILAU planned to help the community by giving them foods such as Jollibee meals, vitamins, and bananas to fill their stomachs beside San Vicente de Paul Parish.

Before the main event, Vitamin C-Lau: Conscious Caring through Charity started to collect donations through sponsors, donation drives, and film showing, on Feb. 20 to Mar. 5.

As they look forward to organizing another prospering event even if they have to do it outside the organization and campus.

An Film Organization of Adamson University, started to upgrade their Vision-Mission by conducting an event.


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