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Zarsata says to incorporate Catholic teachings into voting

Updated: May 25, 2022

President of Saint Vincent School of Theology Student Council, Bro. Arvin Zarsata said that Adamsonians could use the practice values of the university when assessing candidates for the forthcoming 2022 elections on the Voters Education Forum held online on March 26.

He tackled the political discernment process in a webinar kicked off by the Adamson University Student Government (AUSG) entitled "#AdUVoteItThisWay: Gabay ng Adamsonian sa Pagboto”, co-presented with Bayan Mo, Ipatrol Mo, LENTE, The Adamson Chronicle (TAC), and Adamson University - Office for Student Affairs to guide student voters.

Brother Zarsata opened the discussions with the Vincentian teachings as the foundation of a vote as electorates get more exposed to various information about candidates on the internet, many of which might be fake news.

“All of these can be used to help us choose a political candidate, by using these criteria we can avoid falling to our own prejudices and personal judgements, which are influenced by a variety of circumstances,” he said.

Including three more notable speakers, the virtual event on Saturday, March 26, was provided to foster smart voting for the upcoming local and national elections on May 9.

In one segment called “Pulso ng Adamsonian”, AUSG President Jason Marfori added that digital active people should stop navigating the online space passively where trolls are present.

“We need to fight for disinformation, we need to pound, we need to raise and make our voices heard, so it’s no longer enough to swipe away the woos and problems of our nation,” he said.

Hundreds of Adamsonians took part in the event via Zoom, while others tuned in through Facebook Live.

For further preparations for the 2022 elections, AUSG also partnered up with seven other student councils from different universities within the National Capital Region for a press conference on April 2 about each student government's mock polls results and collaborated with TAC for a mock election conducted on April 4-5.

Screenshot from the event, March 26


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