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BREAKING THE STIGMA: Normalize not normalizing insults

Updated: May 25, 2022

Graduating students, especially senior high school students, are preparing for their college applications during their finals or fourth-quarter period, and most of the students would prefer to apply to different universities.

Universities in Manila are known because of the opportunities they can give and the quality of education that it gives to every student.

Some are eager to apply because of academic scholarships, and some are eager for sports scholarships which can be a huge helping hand for their families.

Others would prefer applying to these universities because of the atmosphere which can help a student in different aspects of themselves.

Going back to the quality of education it gives, currently, several would think that professors or teachers are executing a practice of being biased where students are having misinformations such as information, especially about events, it may be historical or current.

Regarding today's event, students are experiencing stereotypes because of entering universities or schools.

People would classify university students as activists because most of the people attending rallies are students.

In addition they would say, "Bayad na nga tuition nila, nagrereklamo pa?", "Mga scholar ba 'yan ng bayan? Bakit mga ganiyan?".

To break the stigma, students are entering prestigious universities because of the qualities and aspects it provides. Whether it is for the student or the student's future.

Various students would be part of the crowd shouting for everyone's rights because it is their right and they are doing it for the sake of others, not just for their families and themselves.

Others are entering university for them to challenge themselves and learn from the mistakes that they made.

Activist isn’t a concrete word to define a student choosing to be a voice for others who cannot be heard.

Students have goals and aspirations for them to be called activists.

This is why normalizing this shouldn't be normalized because it is an act of insult, and can be an offense, not just for the students but for their mentors as well.

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