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North Korea records its first-ever Covid-19 cases

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un (center) presiding over the 8th political bureau meeting

of the Workers’ Party of Korea | photo courtesy: Korean Central News Agency via AFP

North Korea's first Covid-19 case was confirmed by leader Kim Jong Un on May 12 in a meeting of the Workers' Party of Korea in Pyongyang, following the military parade in April.

Kim announced that the country faces a massive outbreak of a 'fever' with at least 350,000 cases— and 187,800 of which are currently either being treated or isolated in hospitals.

According to the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA), leader Kim Jong Un has vowed to take action against the virus.

"The goal was to eliminate the root within the shortest period of time," he said.

To prevent the transmission of sickness, all business and manufacturing activities will be organized such that each work unit is 'separated', KCNA added.

Leader Kim urged stricter border restrictions and lockdown measures, encouraging locals to stop the virus from spreading by sealing their neighborhoods in all towns and counties across the country.

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