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BOUNCING BACK: Relationships vs. Politics

Bitter political divides cause social polarization and take a toll on families and friends. In the end, families or friendships are broken.

Differing political beliefs are around and okay as long as you can recognize people around you when you are defending your politics.

We can all agree that the year 2020 is indeed a tough one. All of the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic and other social justice issues made this year's election heated.

People know that elections are coming, tarpaulins, flyers, and posters are everywhere. Candidates are again into debates, pledges, platforms, and flowery words. As well as mud-slinging candidates throw at each other.

Some are aware that we all have responsibility for changing and managing our own country by preparing, criticizing, and voting for the right one.

Humans are humans. They all have their own opinion and beliefs. Some opted to be blind and just enjoy life while following whatever the law presents to them.

They are being totally ignorant about the family and relationships that are being ruined because of politics, to the extent that they are willing to treat each other as strangers in the voting line, to prove a point. Hoping that they are one of the people who are the reason for the possible change in the system.

Politics has taken the spotlight in every household. Hence, the phrase “social distancing'' has a different connotation.

In some situations, causing this distancing is having problematic views that will most likely impact their actions towards others.

Nevertheless, politics and religion are rooted in our own beliefs, we tend to be subjective and stubborn in terms of defending these beliefs. Winning and proving a point but losing a family or a friend is not an option.

Even in our cyber world where families, friends, and other relationships that we are into, we tend to block, unfollow, and unfriend them for having a different political view which is– our right and choice for we owe our own social media accounts.

We live in a democratic country where we have choices and rights, and we are valued. But it is not a reason to develop or promote disrespect, improper behavior, insult, and standing for and against one another for we are in one country.

That’s how democracy works. But it doesn’t mean that we have to badmouth and malign one another, in order to defend the candidates that we support.

It's not JUST family. They are family.

In the long run, it should and always be our families and friends above politics. We may find ourselves different from each other but that’s the beauty of life. We may disagree with each other but that’s how democracy works.

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