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MODERN HORIZON: Is online dating a hope or a nope?

People crave a soul-stirring love, a genuine love that doesn't have an ending, a love that is a choice, more than a feeling.

Internet love or online dating is one of the easiest and most practical ways to meet new people or find a potential lover. As we live in the 21st Century in a global pandemic, meeting new people doesn't require blood, sweat, and tears— it simply requires an internet, a good display selfie, and high courage.

Dating apps like Tinder, Bumble, Tantan, and OkCupid are the general online platforms for building an exceptional relationship. It serves as an ocean of available people where you can easily choose your desired one aligned with your values and interests. Just by simply scrolling, swiping right, and chatting "Hi!" if you match— here you go, a prospective partner towards road to forever.

Despite its accessibility and convenience, some people are skeptical about the modern dating culture. Across demographic groups, the old-fashioned way of meeting new people still prevails.

Technically speaking, establishing connections online is a dangerous slippery slope. With a high risk of dishonesty and lack of personal connection, some people choose to sit back and relax rather than waste time chasing love.

Nevertheless, finding love isn't something to be ashamed of; it is not burdensome. Online dating is like a rollercoaster ride; it has drastic changes that occur without warning; it's a hit or miss; it is supposed to be fun.

From the comfort of your couch, online dating is a new way of adventure. It's a thrilling experience with countless options; it builds your confidence and pushes your boundaries where your dating preferences matter.

Looking for a quality relationship isn't a bad thing. Expecting someone to magically show up is somewhat unrealistic.

In finding the right partner virtually, extreme awareness is the key. To put the odds in your favor, learn to cultivate the purest love of all—self-love—and everything will follow.

Don't stress yourself too much; what's meant for you will find you, even if you think it's already passed. After all, no one can be solely responsible for your happiness, only yourself.

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